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About the DELab UW Study

In March 2024, the DELab UW team initiated a study entitled "Generative Artificial Intelligence at the University of Warsaw – Opportunities, Challenges, Perspectives" aimed at the entire academic community of the University of Warsaw. The purpose of the survey was to gather information on how people associated with the university perceive generative AI, its potential, and its challenges, as well as how they utilize it in their work and studies. We collected responses over four months, receiving almost 2000 completed questionnaires. We thank everyone for their participation!
The report presents findings related to students, doctoral candidates, and academic and teaching staff, narrowing the sample to 1,778 individuals. The report is structured in the form of questions relating to various recommended practices, with answers supplemented by survey results pertinent to each area.
You can find excerpts describing the survey results below and in interactive panels.

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